Monday, December 9, 2013

Toddler Dies in CPS Custody After Being Taken from Marijuana Smoking Parents

I read this article that really got my attention. It tells how a young two-year-old girl died from brutal force to the head while in the care of a foster family. The child was taken away because her parents were caught, recreationally and simply, smoking weed in their living room, after putting their daughter to bed. Their daughter had never been sick or needed to go to the hospital while living with her loving parents, but just days after being placed into the foster family their daughter experienced blunt force trauma to her head and had to be air lifted to the hospital where she died days later. This is shocking. The fact that our government, who is supposed to protect us, can take our children away for smoking a harmless drug. Their child was never neglected or abused, and the fact that they have the right to take away their two year old children for no reason is absurd. The artical states: "This should be a red flag warning to parents that the states power has risen to the point that it can arbitrarily snatch children for petty, non-violent crimes and wash its hands clean of liability if that child dies while in its "protective" custody." I am disgusted with how wrong this is and to think... How many other children are living with dangerous solely money sucking, families who are sometimes less capable to take care of children than their real families? This is wrong, and needs to stop.

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