Monday, November 18, 2013

Commentary: "Didn't your mother teach you eavesdropping is not polite?"

              I found this article very interesting and agreed with it. Yosef says he fears we are going to war alone and broke. "What are we doing spying on our own ally’s?" He asks. Yosef states "An unhealthy obsession with our public safety has lead this nation to paranoia, which will leave as with no ally’s; unless we stop spying on our friends." I couldn't agree more. No matter how good a friend someone could be to you, if they eavesdropped on one of your conversations, just to make sure you weren't talking about them, you would definitely not be happy. I agree with Yosef and think we need to work on mutual trust.
                The article states that the NSA collected 70.3 million pieces of French telephone data in the span of a month. The questing is why? Why do we always have to feel in danger? Even by our ally's?  If you show a friend that you don’t trust them they start to not trust you as well, which will cause you and your friend to drift apart. Finally they will walk away singing “we are never, ever getting back together”. The same situation goes for spying on Brazil, and Germany.
               According to this article the United State is currently $17,116,590,825,120.15 in debt right now. The estimated population of the United States is 316,981,640, so each citizen’s share of this debt is $53,998.68. The National Debt has continued to increase and average of $2.63 billion per day, and yet we spend billions on spying on countries that are irrelevant. This is completely ridiculous and unnecessary. If there was a war to break out; we would not have any money to fund our military operations and we would not have any ally’s to relay on. I mean we're basically hurting ourselves because we're scared and non-trusting.  So stop the spying and keep the NSA under control.

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