Thursday, September 19, 2013

The Vote to Defund Obamacare to Avoid Government Shutdown

     Yesterday the Washington Post published an article: The Vote to Defund Obamacare to Avoid Government Shutdown. Basically it tells how with the deadline for government shut down growing near, John Boehner has a difficult choice to make: either embrace a compromise with the democrats, agonizing conservatives in his party, or give into their demands and have a showdown with the president and senate. On Wednesday Boehner decided to choose none of the above and come up with his own solution which is to set a vote for Friday which will both provide funding to keep the government open, while stripping away money to implement portions of Obama’s health-care law.
     Boehner also said that it demanded a one-year delay of all aspects of Obamacare when it comes time to consider granting expanded borrowing authority to the Treasury in the coming weeks. Without the authority the government will experience, for the first time, delinquency on the nations almost $17million debt. The democrats didn't like either of those options and are setting up yet another game of political brinksmanship that could threaten the nation’s recovery.
     After an hour-long House Republican conference, Boehner told reporters “We’re going to continue to do everything we can to repeal the president’s failed health-care law.” After hearing that Senate Majority Leader Harry M. Reid called Boehner a Republican "anarchists" saying that he was trying to tie up the upper chamber by insisting on votes on ending or delaying Obamacare.
     But if nothing is done by September 30st almost every government will be partly shuttered, while the deadline to increase the federal debt limit is only a few weeks later in October. Both Democrats and Republicans are worried that the republicans won’t come to an agreement which would leave the nations fiscal well-being at risk.